Advanced Energetics - Discover the Elders - Find Your Purpose

Ego & the Thoughts You Keep

What about ego and the thoughts you keep? It was once a necessary and critical component anchored within your physical form. There are still many benefits ego offers. It has served to provide the needed guideposts for survival in earlier times. So relevant was its purpose and mission that the demise or loss of one’s life would have more readily occurred without its most critical evaluation of the circumstances surrounding it in less secure times.

Your Thoughts are Important

Your Thoughts are Important – They Change Your Energy – And You Draw More of that Energy to You. #8.

When you engage with hypothetical understandings, judgmental beliefs, and other negative thoughts, you draw more of their energetic kind to you.

When you engage with hypothetical understandings, judgmental beliefs, and other negative thoughts, you draw more of their energetic kind to you.

All things these are merely choices as they require you to focus upon them and choose to engage with them. Make different choices as you consider that there is more to the equation than you realized before. You control the thoughts you keep … so focus more on those you prefer.

Refocus Fearful Thoughts

Do you wonder about fearful thoughts and why it would be beneficial to refocus them? Ponder upon what more we are to share. Consider your heart space and additional understandings that remain underfoot. They are ready to bubble up to the surface and become known. Make this day unlike any other. As you refocus from there to here, do you wonder if there is a sentiment we might share that will move you in a more positive way? Might you consider a sentiment or thought process to move you onto a more desired pathway of purpose? A more preferred pathway that will take you closer to where you seek to be.

Thoughts are Powerful Attractors, Attract What You Want

Attract what you want in this life. How is it that your thoughts are such powerful magnetic pulls? Do you see how they attract similar energetic things into your life? Why do they draw more of their kind to you? How does vibration play into the dynamics here and why does this seem to be such a significant contributor to what is drawn into your future? And how might you attract more of what you want rather than more of what you don’t want? How might you recalibrate an atom’s spin through your thoughts and what about Love? Where does it fit into all of this?

You Are Not Your Thoughts

Do you recognize that you are not your thoughts? Life can be a struggle if you believe this to be so. Choose less association with the bantering found in the mind. In such mental communications, solace is not routinely found. You must someday recognize this mental chatter does little good. These thoughts are not you, nor do they define or serve you. Oftentimes, you will hear unyielding criticism and negative undertones when you listen in. These rantings are typically judgmental in nature and not uplifting. So what can you do?

How to Maintain Positive Thoughts

Positive thoughts

Let’s discuss how to maintain positive thoughts, why the mind operates as it does—and what you can do to stay in the flow of positive thinking and its positively charged energy. Slipping into negative thoughts that play out within the mind is easy to do. We recognize the need to stay in a positive realm of thinking. This will buoy up your vibration and allow more like-kind thoughts to flow to you. You will grow a momentum of positive thinking. In this way, you will move into a more positive mode. But this requires a bit of practice. Are you up to the challenge this might pose?

Ego – What Drives Your Thoughts

What drives your thoughts? Ego was once a necessary and critical component anchored within your form. There are still many benefits it offers. It has served to provide the needed guideposts for survival in earlier times. So relevant was its purpose and mission that the demise or loss of one’s life would have more readily […]

Your Perception is Key

perspective and clarity

Interpretations are significant, but are they accurate? Your perception is key. What you believe matters more than you may currently realize.

Tell the Day What You Want

What do you want

Might you tell the day what you want it to manifest? Tell the day what you want as you move to enact more. Know that this day holds an energetic key or pattern unlike any other. Might you provide direction to your day as you feel your way?

Unlimited Potential


Do you realize that you have unlimited potential? Do you realize that you are limitless? The limitations you experience are those which are self-imposed. There are no limitations but those you choose to embrace. All potentialities are limitless.