Advanced Energetics - Discover the Elders - Find Your Purpose

Can Someone Complete You – Like 2 Half-Circles Becoming 1

Happy couple - can someone complete you

Do you wonder whether someone can complete you? Such a catchphrase you may have heard before in the movies. But does anyone really complete you? Have you heard this phrase and believed this concept? Do you wonder if it is possible for one person to complete another? Is there such a thing as a Soul Mate or Twin Flame? Do you seemingly resonate with what these suggest? Does it seem a romantic notion or do the thoughts this phrase seeks to instill warrant further consideration?

Part 3 – Finding Your Purpose

Finding purpose

This third post on finding your purpose is a bit tricky. You see, many people know they are meant to figure out what their purpose is. However, few know they are here to initiate a vaster, more inclusive one. Let’s call that one your original purpose. You could also term it your Soul’s purpose or reason for being. You could also term it the greater purpose.

Empower through Gratitude

As you look around today, do you give gratitude for all that is; all that is in existence as you navigate this time? Do you recognize that even now, you are able to generally do as you please? Even today, all is possible.

Do you reflect upon all the opportunities this time does afford? Amidst the pandemic that is still present, do you see the benefits of all that exists in tandem with it? Do you recognize …

Change Direction When Life Throws Hardballs

In your day-to-day life, when something adverse crosses your path, what do you do? Do you struggle or do you stop to consider what this course correction or what this shift in direction is trying to tell you? Do you know why it is so important to stop, pause, and reflect upon what occurs within this life? Each occurrence is a stepping stone to another. Other possibilities, probabilities, and opposing realities can be seen more easily this way.


Do you ever feel uncertain about your future? Do uncertainties exist with other people or things? Do they play a part here? What role might each play? Might these things influence your daily dealings as well as your feelings? How will all progress in the best manner especially when you seem to be out-of-step with the outcome sought?

Energetic Disturbances

What is an energetic disturbance and how does such a disturbance residing within, affect you? What is the importance of such a thing and is there value in determining and weeding out some of these things from your being and world?

Creation – You are a Co-Creator

Do you recognize that creation is why you are here? You are a co-creator in form. Do you know what this means and what it is to signify to you? Consider this as you read on.

How To Get Good Advice

Where do you find good advice?

Where do you go to get good advice? You know, advice that you would trust. Have you ever thought of life as a series of occurrences? When you were younger, did you watch and listen to what others shared? Did you then follow their direction and advice? Did you make decisions, as you moved into adulthood, based on certain foundational understandings?

Thoughts are Powerful Attractors, Attract What You Want

Attract what you want in this life. How is it that your thoughts are such powerful magnetic pulls? Do you see how they attract similar energetic things into your life? Why do they draw more of their kind to you? How does vibration play into the dynamics here and why does this seem to be such a significant contributor to what is drawn into your future? And how might you attract more of what you want rather than more of what you don’t want? How might you recalibrate an atom’s spin through your thoughts and what about Love? Where does it fit into all of this?

Subconscious Issues, Self-Saboteurs


What might be done to alleviate those things that work against what you hope to accomplish in your life, especially those things you cannot see? If the subconscious mind works behind the scenes, how can more become known and redirected to facilitate what you hope to accomplish? Do you wonder about those things that work in the background, the behind-the-scenes instigators that pop to the surface from time to time to add angst and drama to a situation? Those are subconscious trappings that become engaged when they are appropriately triggered.