Advanced Energetics - Discover the Elders - Find Your Purpose

Believe in the Value of Gratitude

The Value of Gratitude

Here the Elders talk about uncertainties that exist in life. And how you might incorporate gratitude into your daily activities to bring in more of what is wanted. If you currently employ gratitude, you could focus more keenly on bringing its energy full circle as you release it into your day. Why focus time on what is fearful or unwanted? Especially since Universe will return to you what you think about and focus upon. But there’s even more to it than that. 

Why does Your Focus Matter


I’ve been wanting to make some changes to these communications, so I’m beginning here with our blog posts. Moving forward, I’ll be sharing Advanced Energetics YouTube (AE YT) videos within the blog post itself and would love to hear if you like this addition. I believe it will be a fun twist to our updates. Focus is the main topic in the short YT clip where the importance of focus is discussed. You can also join in an online Q&A session next Wednesday, July 20th by registering here.

Uncertainties: Are They Certain?

Do you wonder about this world and the uncertainty that seems to exist today? Do you wonder about life that seems to be constantly changing and morphing into a reality that you do not understand or know? Do things seem to progress at such a rapid pace that you do not know why and how this world will continue without involvement to a degree in this or that activity or cause? Do you wonder and pause?

Choose Uplifting Friends

As you move about in the day, do you seek another individual to share in the joy of the day? And is that person someone with whom you are in alignment in a special, almost magical way? For in that unique means of connection, friends allow you to see how that one does know and understand many of the things you have done or that you will do. They are gifted with the ability to align with you as many others cannot. You do not need to explain yourself for they already know why you do as you do for they see and recognize many of your actions as those that they too would do. They see this thing and recognize that you are in many ways as they are. And so consider this to be a close friend and one who is gifted with the ability to know and move as you would and might.

The Fear Factor = Opportunity

The Fear Factor. What is that? Are you ready to face your fears? What is behind the fear you feel? Is it time to look there? Embrace this and know that more opportunity is yet to come. Because life is a journey that you are meant to traverse, seek to discover more within this life. Intend for this life to be a bountiful and unique opportunity. Intend for more to be.

Refocus Fearful Thoughts

Do you wonder about fearful thoughts and why it would be beneficial to refocus them? Ponder upon what more we are to share. Consider your heart space and additional understandings that remain underfoot. They are ready to bubble up to the surface and become known. Make this day unlike any other. As you refocus from there to here, do you wonder if there is a sentiment we might share that will move you in a more positive way? Might you consider a sentiment or thought process to move you onto a more desired pathway of purpose? A more preferred pathway that will take you closer to where you seek to be.

Karma Has Man-Made Components

Might you consider an earlier blog post titled, Karma, Is it Man-Made? It sought for the reader to know the intent of what the premise of karma truly incites. We seek to add a bit more to the dynamic expressed then. You see the feeling component needs to be more fully understood now. And so we address it again this day.

Regain Wholeness

Law of Attraction

Are you looking for the puzzle pieces to regain wholeness once held? What does it mean to regain the totality of your soul essence anyway? When you regain its wholeness, what else changes accordingly? Seek to align in this way.

Activate to Eradicate Scary Energy

Do you find that life sometimes gives you things you do not understand? And in the waiting and wondering, fear enters? Do you try to rationalize or posture yourself for what may come? All the while not knowing you are a beacon or receiver for the very energy you do not want? When you formulate and fixate on something undesired, you do draw it ever closer to you as you are holding fast and fervently to the energy you do not want as it grips you and tethers you to it.

Beliefs and Their Energetic Strings

What is belief and why should you believe in anything? Do you recognize when you have established a belief, you are energetically tied to that which you believe? Do you understand why this is important or why you might consider this concept now?